Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Whats the Most Important Job Search Skill for College Grads Networking

What’s the Most Important Job Search Skill for College Grads Networking What’s the Most Important Job Search Skill for College Grads Networking 2unprepared to enter the job market. With 60% of these graduates having no job lined up and 30% believing no jobs even exist for them, college grads need to maximize their potential as top candidates by embracing the art of networking. To help conquer the anxiety surrounding your job search, here are some networking basics that every new job seeker should master:   Explore all avenues. When you’re just starting out in your career, it’s understandable that you won’t necessarily have a vast or deep network established yet. That’s why it’s smart to widen your perception of what counts as a “network.” While you may not directly know people who work in your targeted industry, you might be acquainted with someone who does. Start with your most immediate connections- family members and personal friends. Ask them for leads to contacts they may know in your professional areas of interest who could create inroads for you. Then widen the exploration to your next ring of contacts- this might include former teachers, coaches, or even local vendors who you’ve gotten to know personally while in school. Each person you ask is potentially connected to a sizable network that may have been years in the making- and many will be willing to share these resources to help you reach your early career goals. Join an established network in your industry. Once you’ve exhausted your current personal network, consider becoming a member of a business networking group that’s specifically focused on your industry (or industries) of interest. By attending that group’s events, you’ll be opening yourself up to potentially hundreds or more people who share your professional interests and goals. There may very well be people in this crowd who are looking for the skills you have to offer. By introducing yourself to others at an industry networking function, you could start a friendship that will facilitate your career for years to come. Start using your social networks differently. Many pending job seekers are well aware of the importance and power of social media when it comes to professional networking. The GoDaddy study referenced above discovered that half of college seniors went so far as to prep for their first job search by changing the privacy settings on their social media profile. Close to half (42%) deleted old photos from their social accounts, presumably to avoid risking the chance that these images would cause prospective employers to get a bad impression of them. What’s notable in these actions is that young job seekers are taking charge of their social profiles and using them differently than they did as students. While you may have initially seen social as a tool for connecting with your friends and sharing personal pictures and comments, starting a job search requires adapting your usage of these platforms. Social media sites- from LinkedIn and Facebook to Twitter and Instagram- can serve as excellent networking extensions. The key is to remember that your audience extends to prospective employers and other professional contacts now, so tailor your content accordingly. Don’t overlook informal networking. Not all of the schmoozing you do must be approached as “networking” per se. When you’re out and about doing everyday things, you’ll naturally meet new people along the way. As you get to know others- whether at a party, group dinner, or chatting in line buying groceries- remember that you never know where an opportunity might arise to help someone else with their professional goals, or to ask for a favor with yours. Stay in touch with people you meet and build your network organically- over time, these informal efforts will begin to add up to a web of connections that you can both call on and mutually assist. Networking may feel intimidating at first. But even if it’s not your favorite activity or you don’t take to it naturally, developing your comfort level and skills in this area can pay off in your job search and help guide your career for years to come. Browse Open Flexible Jobs

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